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Dizzy days off.. November 21, 2013

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Time flies far too quickly these days. It doesn’t seem five minutes since I posted my last post. Today is update day thanks to feeling under the weather with a horrible headache and dizzy spells. 

I started my 2nd year at uni in September after deciding to travel instead of moving. After speaking with Madalaine’s teachers I felt she was thriving within the school environment, had made some close friends and was being encouraged with her reading in particular. After visiting a number of schools in Glasgow, I felt that she would not get the same treatment as she does at her school due to the small class size. So we decided to stay put for the time being.

The buses are a bit tiring, getting up for the 6:30am bus is especially hard. But hopefully it will be worth it in the end. 

It was nice to get back to uni and see everyone again, the summer felt very long and my brain as though it had turned into mashed potato! As I was not at uni through the summer I could ask for more hours at work. I enjoyed this, and once I was back at uni I felt like I hardly saw people from work! Catch 22! Working weekends is keeping me busy enough at the moment with the amount of uni work I have. 

Madalaine is now in P4! She has decided she has a crush, and that she likes boys with curly hair and freckles. I even caught her writing certain initials in her sweetcorn at dinner!! Apparently I am to ask his Mum if he can come over for dinner or if we could all go to the park. Upon asking why she can’t just ask him this she replied; “I can’t.. He just isn’t that kind of boy!! You have to get his Mum to tell him!” bless her.. young love. 

It has taken a few weeks, but I am finally getting used to there being just Madalaine and myself living in the flat. It feels a bit quiet sometimes, but it is quite peaceful. It is taking Madalaine a while to get used to Sam not being here, but she is happy knowing she can text her whenever she wants and can still see her. 

For my Mum’s belated (yep, I am never on time with anything!) birthday meal, we spent the evening at their house. My sister decided it would be a bit of fun to enforce the mandatory wearing of glowstick glasses…



… looking wonderful… perhaps!

For halloween Madalaine dressed up as a zombie bride. She actually told me the day before the school halloween party that she needed a zombie bride outfit. Needless to say this prompted a creative spurt and I spent the evening wrecking a dress for her, and creating a veil out of a hair clip and a friends underskirt!!


Rather spooky if I do say so myself!!

And as the dates go, a few days later came bonfire night. Also my friend Manda’s birthday. So we celebrated in style with some of the best baked potatoes I have ever tasted, tasty chocolate apples, and a few cups of tea! Oh, best not forget the fireworks display in her garden! 


I do hope the pegbag survived on the washing line!! The kids loved the fireworks.. 


And you can’t have a birthday firework party without sparklers!!!



Another great night that I half made it to was a friend’s hen party. 



This was a brilliant night. I was actually gutted I missed half of it, but guess you have to take shifts at work when they are available. I can’t remember the last time I was this drunk, and I am NEVER playing catch up again!! Felt terrible the next day! But it was definitely worth it. The wedding is next weekend.. I should probably hurry up and find a dress!! 

Will try update again soon! 


A little overdue update… April 27, 2011

Hello!! Long time no see? read? hear? .. however you get your information! Hope you are well.

I thought it was about time I updated this site.. it has been quite a while..

So.. I hear you thinking, what have I been upto..

The Wedding of Mr and Mrs Brisby

What can I say, everyone looked fantastic. It was a beautiful wedding. It made me feel a little envious that I couldn’t get married like that – one day, one day I will get married, hopefully looking as beautiful as Michelle did in her amazing dress.. we just need to fight for equality first. Change the law please.. we want marriage equality for all.

The wedding reception was lovely too 😀 had a great time dancing away with everyone. 😀

I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to ‘Janet Clark Sewing’ for making my dress perfect. I bought it online as a bargain but it was faaaar too big. She took in in for me, and made it the prettiest dress I own, so thank you very much.

  Altered beautifully by Janet Clark.

Night Out with Linzi ❤

A good friend came over from Ireland to visit and we met up with her for a well deserved night out on the town 😀

Was lovely to see her, wish she would come over more often 😀

Madalaine decided she was a cat

How very purrr-fect 😉

National Youth Council Residential..

As a reward for the work we put in this year; the staff at LGBT Youth Scotland treated us to a weekend at Auchengillan Outdoor Centre nr Glasgow. What a great weekend! We had the opportunity to go:

  • Kayaking
  • Crate Climbing
  • Water Walking
  • Pedal Karting
  • have a go at Archery
  • Bouncing on a Giant Bouncy Castle.

I personally LOVED kayaking. It was amazing. I would absolutly love to do it again. For obvious reasons I didn’t take my mobile with me kayaking therefore didn’t manage to get any photos 😦

Water Walking however..


More ‘Water-falling’ than ‘Water-Walking’… but it was actually hillarious! Trying to get onto your feet into a triangular standing position was particularly difficult, I think I managed to stand for a total of 7 seconds. One boy managed 38 seconds! Very well done to him!

Our first impression of the sleeping arrangements were that they were a little on the small size…

seeing that I am only 5ft 1/2″ we thought that the rest of the group really would struggle! Thankfully, things turned out better than we thought and some of the beds were bigger 😀

Archery was awesome..

… hitting the target was easier than I had presumed it would be.. yet another activity I would love to do again… any offers welcome 😉

Of course after all the fun activities there was work to be done on campaigns etc but that was also very enjoyable.

So.. thanks LGBT Youth Scotland for such a great weekend ❤

Madalaine’s Ballet Class Performance…

Madalaine had her end of term ballet routine with the rest of her class infront of the parents. She tried hard and did well dancing along to ‘bear necessities’ from the jungle book.

What a pretty ballerina ❤

We also went to see a ballet performance ‘Copellia’ at the theatre.

It was a lovely outing, getting the bus there and back was a bit of a nightmare.. and after the performance Madalaine was so very sleepy…

… I suppose Mummies come in useful for some things.. 😀

Our little Easter walk..

… was lovely! We wandered along by the river, played fetch with Jake the dog, looked at the pretty flowers and threw stones into the river. Very relaxing.

Apart from that.. I don’t think I have been upto anything else really. Still studying with the Open University, doing English at the moment, with a Social Science module starting in May. Possibly a spot of gardening here and  there.. probably everywhere 😉 I sure do love my (not so tidy) garden lol! It will be pretty one day ;D

Better run now, time to get my grumpy little girl off to bed.. hope you enjoyed reading, please leave a comment and let me know what you think, or if you have any suggestions etc..